Jul 30, 2015


Alexa Chung Sweater

Alexa Chung for AG Sweater | Denim (mine is sold out but I love THESE) | Wildfox Sunglasses | Rebecca Minkoff Booties 

Six years ago my life coach had me write out a list of the qualities I wanted in a husband. I remember sitting on her couch and writing two things: honest and faithful. That’s all. Nothing more.

A year later after some time and healing she had me make a new list. This round I was able to really list out the most important qualities for me:

honest | faithful | funny | accepts my daughters as their own | understands my sarcasm | loyal | motivated | serves others | someone I can sit in silence with and it’s comfortable | communicates well | doesn’t make excuses | loves his family | genuine | spiritual | kind hearted | appreciates simple things like sunsets, fresh rain, gas stations (I’m serious)

Well guys..I found someone who is all of the above plus way more, like hands down THEE most talented, manly, good at everything he does man and he’s real and he’s mine. We’re getting married! You can read more HERE.

 Many of you have been on this roller coaster of a journey with me. Your kind words and support mean the world to me, so thank you.

ps..the “A” sweater reps my new last name:)


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  1. Lisa,
    I remember so well our work together in the making of those lists and the remarkable woman of courage, strength, humility and faith you rediscovered within you . It was exciting to watch you draw upon those strengths of character,and many of your other innate talents as you chose to dare greatly, moving to CA to create and attract to you the life and man of your dreams. And so you have!! I am so thrilled to see you this incredibly happy! It is with gratitude and joy, I look forward to sharing in this next part of your adventurous journey you call life! I love you – Keri

    • Keri!!! First off, you read my blog? I’m honored. I owe a large part of my success to you. You have been a constant light in my life for many years and really taught me about forgiveness and love and honoring myself. Thank you for being so patient with me. I love you.

  2. I am so happy for you!! You have such a gorgeous family & deserve all the happiness in the world!! Yay! Congrats!!

  3. Hi!
    I have been a follower and huge fan/addict of you’re site from the beginning. I stumbled upon you’re old blog through a friend of a friend and have followed you’re story ever since. I just want to wish you the best of the best! From a silent follower in whom you have never met, I’m very happy to see how blessed and wonderful this is! You have such a way with words and a kind BIG heart that I wish you so much happiness and joy! Delightlfu news!!!