Feb 15, 2016

embroidered dresses

Embroidered Dresses are everything right now. I literally jumped for JOY when my favorite dress came out in two new colors. Free People offers my favorite dress of all time. Each season it comes back in a new color.  Right now you can get it in black or royal blue. I’ve been wearing a lot of gray booties lately so I bought the blue dress. I have to say, I’m wishing I bought the black one too. It’s the perfect dress to throw on and run errands in. Or wear it as a cover-up over a bathing suit. I love wearing mine with booties and braided hair. It is seriously the perfect dress. I’m wearing the xs and I’m 5’4

gray booties | blue dress

I packed it with me to wear during fashion week but unfortunately it was negative 10 degrees and my blue dress stayed in my suitcase. I can’t wait to wear it with a leather jacket and distressed skinny jeans and these gray booties. I’ve been wearing a lot of dresses and tunics with skinny jeans lately or even with leggings. You can find really cute tunics to wear during the winter months that go perfectly with leather jackets and leggings. Sometimes it is hard to find great winter clothes. I get sick of the same puffer jacket I wear every single day. Anyways,  I will be wearing this dress during spring break in Puerto Rico for sure. And, without leggings and a jacket. Bring on the sunshine. I’m ready for it.

red dress

free people dress | booties 

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