May 23, 2017

Life in California

I like many Arizonans had the spent the majority of my life vacationing in California.  As a child my memories include Sea World, throwing ice off the balconies at the San Diego Marriott with my sister, weekend trips to Newport, driving around downtown L.A confused how is was so much dirtier than in movies;), ..

As a single mom I would bring my girls to the the Newport Coast Villa’s 2-3 weeks of the year. It was our favorite thing to do as a family. After a few of these trips, I decided one day I would move my family to California. The idea sat with me for another 2 years. I’d look for houses online, schools, etc and then talk myself out of it. The feeling always came back though. I took it a step further and came out to look at houses. I saw about 12 homes that day and fell completely in love with one of them. It was this light blue cottage style, all wood floors, 3 bedrooms and in the most adorable neighborhood on a street called Bluff Cove. I filled out all the rental paperwork and was approved. Then I got nervous. Could a single mom of three really move her entire life to a state with no family and about 3 friends? I backed out. The house went to someone else. I felt sick like I had made the wrong choice and let fear get in the way of my decision making. Over the next 6 month’s I thought a lot about that perfect home. Nothing I found online compared. I came out 3 other times to look at rentals and couldn’t commit to any of them. They just didn’t feel right.

A couple weeks later I found myself online. This time, looking for homes to buy in Arizona. I felt maybe my inability to find a home I felt comfortable with in California was Heavenly Father’s way of telling me I should stay in Arizona. I looked for hours. Before I logged off I had a feeling to check Zillow in Orange County one more time. At this point I knew every listing posted. There were two new listings that day and one of them was the home on Bluff Cove!! I immediately called the owner and asked him why is was listed, I mean the previous renters had just rented it 6 month’s prior. He responded that they got a job offer and had to move and it would be available in 30 days. He still had all my original paperwork and told me if I signed that day he would remove the listing.

30 days later, on June 1st the kids and I along with the help of my best friends Maury and Rachael were unpacking the moving van in our Bluff Cove home. A fresh start. A new life. A choice I’ve never regretted, even for one minute. It was the first time in my life I felt totally free. I had the opportunity to design and create the life I wanted for my children. We had the best 3 years in that home.

I’ve been thinking about my life here in California a lot lately. Not the actual state of being here. But how I got here. Had I let self doubt get the best of me, I would be living in a place of regret.

I get several emails each month from readers asking for advice on divorce, career, raising kids. I don’t pretend to know the right answer to ANY of their questions. My answer is usually the same and applies to all aspects of life: At some point the scale will tip and you will decide to live within your comfort zone or step outside and make hard decisions. Believe you can do hard things, because you can! Also have faith in yourself & trust your gut! Lisa Allen wearing Rebecca Minkoff and Golden Goose

Lisa Allen wearing Rebecca Minkoff and Golden Goose


XXO lisa

ps..check out my favorite in beauty below. full post coming soon!

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  1. Lisa, I remember so well the courage and faith you drew on to take that leap and follow your dream! You are one of my heros and I admire the gritty way you do life!!! What a fabulous gift for your beautiful daughters…to learn from example and experience that “doing hard” brings wisdom, success and and intimacy with yourself you cannot get any other way! Thank you for sharing your authentic self with all of us! Love and

    • I couldn’t have done any of it with your guidance and support. I mean that. Love you forever! xxo lisa

  2. I needed this post so bad today. What a blessing. I just moved to atl,Georgia alone and I’ve been so out of my comfort zone I almost moved back home last week. Thank you for you positive advice.



    • It’s a scary feeling for sure. I think you should always stick with something for a whole year to gauge your true feelings. Best of luck!

  3. Amen to that! Totally can relate, my story is very similar, stepping out in faith isn’t easy. Thanks for sharing! You have a beautiful family