Holiday Abs
No, the title is not an oxymoron! I know it seems so hard to keep your workouts up during this busy time of year; here’s another at-home workout you can do in between wrapping presents. I like to do a “cardio sandwich” on either side of these moves, so I’ll jump rope for about 5-10 minutes at the beginning and end. Or hop on my treadmill. December is busy for all of us! I’m trying anything I can to get in a workout these days.
Also a few instructors from CST50 (the megaformer class I take) Told me when I can’t make it to class –hold planks for at least 2-3 minute intervals. This keeps your core engaged, and strengthens shoulders,wrists and arms. This is hard! Especially after 3-4 intervals.
I usually try to do 4 rounds of each exercise. And because I’m the queen of efficiency (at least in my own mind) all these moves target arms as well.
1. Spiderman plank crunch
2. Plank Ups
3. Down Dog Taps
Sit tall on the edge of a sturdy chair.
Place your hands on the edge with your fingers pointing toward your knees.
Tighten abs and bring your toes a few inches off the floor, lifting your butt off the chair.
Planking is one of the best core exercises you can do; it targets almost every single abdominal muscle you have! I’m trying to work up to holding a plank for 3 solid minutes. The key when planking is to draw your belly button IN and UP toward your spine, and make sure your body is in a straight line. I like to do this in front of a mirror so I can check my form. Try starting out with 5 sets of 30 seconds each time. Work up to a 3 minute hold!
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