May 16, 2016

RAG & BONE 35% off

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rag and bone jeans 35% off | chloe wedges similar version here | chloe handbag

a few things

Have you heard all the rage on coolsculpting? You know, liposuction that is non-invasive and takes an hour to do in a med-spa. It’s also referred to as “lunch time” liposuction. It’s supposed to be amazing for people that are in pretty good shape but can’t get rid of those certain “problem areas”. Like the squeezable love handles or “mommy arm chub”. I’m supposed to do a review on it and I just might! There is also a laser called ultatherapy. Courtney Cox and Jennifer Aniston swear by it for anti-aging. You are supposed to do it once a year to stimulate collagen in your face. Reviews say it turns back the clock five years. Hmmmm. I’m a skeptic but hey I’d love to see this in person.

We are heading to Florida this weekend and I’m so excited. I bought my hubby THIS  because I’m obsessed! Perfect thing to bring for his hubby’s birthday. shhhh don’t tell.

Now that it’s warm I’m riding around on THIS with my kids all day long. We have a hill by our house and it’s so fun to feel like a kid sometimes.

Any thoughts on certain treadmills in your house? This TREADMILL has been amazing for us but I just wish I used it more. Why do I have to go to the gym to get motivated? Maybe my exercise room needs some sprucing up with this.

Did you know my THREE kids were born all over the country? SAN FRANCISCO, CHICAGO, & NEW YORK CITY. I just promised them each a weekend in their birth city this year if they accomplish all their summer goals. (the list is LONG!) I really hope they do because I’m pretty excited about this!

To cleanse or not to cleanse. I read a lot of back and forth on this topic. I think everyone is different and can make the right decision for themselves. I’ve done it enough to know that I respond well to it. Before a big trip or after the holidays I love a good cleanse. By the third day I always feel so good. Cleaned out, rejuvenated and dedicated to eat clean. I love the pineapple mint from Blue Print.



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