Oct 25, 2018

How to wear a white tee?

The White Tee

Helloooooo friends! If you have been here for awhile, you know I love my white tees. I counted last night and I have over THIRTY WHITE TEES. $19!!  The funny ting is, most of them are the same tee but in different sizes or multiple of the same size. I have a phobia of running out of white tees! I like to be prepared,what can I say.

The trick to finding the perfect white tee can be hard. I have a bunch of REQUIREMENTS. I’d love to know yours. Here we go…

1.It can not be sheer. I don’t want the fuss of finding a tank to go under it. I need something I can grab and go!

2.It must have cap sleeves.

3.It can not be too fitted. I need something loose and only fitted in the right areas!

4.I like a v -neck tee or scoop so you can see my necklaces against my skin. I know this sounds weird but it just looks better.

5.I like a slub tee look. The ones that look effortless.


This WHITE TEE is the tee I’m talking about above. It meets alllllllllll my requirements. I do have this tee in multiple sizes. It’s inexpensive and I feel fine about buying them in bulk! HA! I use the XS size to tuck into skirts or high waisted denim. I use the small for everyday use.(to create the slub/cool vibe with a cardigan or jacket or it) I use the medium to tie into a knot (need a little extra material). I posted images below with the knotted tee and a skirt.


This tee also comes in many colors so if you love the fit, keep that in mind. Madewell was so smart to design this tee! It’s the best $19 spent!!

THIS CLASSIC TEE by Current Elliott

Have you worn a Current Elliot Tee?  Currently 25% off / The material is so soft and I love the way the tee hangs. It’s one of my favorite tees. I love the distressed edges on parts of the tee.The price is definitely a little bonkers for a WHITE TEE so get it on sale.. It’s a purchase you will use over and over again. If you have the MADEWELL TEE above and want to spice your white tee collection up a bit, grab this one. Otherwise stick with the $19 tee. Like I said these are the two tees I have. And I have 30 of them! The Current Elliot Tee has a looser sleeve and has some distressed edges I like. I wear it in a size xs/0. I also have it in medium so I can tie a knot in it to wear with skirts and high waisted denim.

****Follow me on PINTEREST! I’ll be hosting all my giveaways on PINTERESTHERE. See ya there. Every Monday Night!!

THIS CLASSIC TEE by Current Elliott

(The rest of images below are with the $19 TEE! FYI!!)






THIS CLASSIC TEE by Current Elliott – see the distressed hem line on the Current Elliott Tee? So good! 25% off today




 CLASSIC TEE by Current Elliott – see the distressed hem line on the Current Elliott V Tee? So good! 25% off today

WHITE TEE  wearing the small in this picture

The WHITE TEE will come in handy all the time in your wardrobe. If you don’t know what to wear with something, grab that tee!


Follow me on PINTEREST! I’ll be hosting all my giveaways on PINTERESTHERE. See ya there. Every Monday Night!!

*the dress you need for $56. the perfect staple for layering all winter.

links I LOVE & September Best Sellers

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